Back Muscles
June 26, 2017
A backache is a common discomfort of pregnancy, caused by the ever-increasing weight of the uterus putting constant strain on the back. The following exercises will give you greater back comfort. Please also refer to the instructions for the “Pelvic Rock/Tilt” under Abdominal Exercises, since completing this exercise will also provide comfort.
Straight Leg Raising
- Strengthens lower abdominal and thigh muscles
- Improves muscle tone and increases circulation in legs
- Lie on back with one knee bent while keeping the other straight
- Do pelvic rock/tilt
- Slowly raise the straight leg up to a 90-degree angle, or as far as you comfortably can
- Slowly lower leg
- Relax and repeat several times with each leg
Lower Back Stretch
Relieves strain on back muscles and ligaments
- Lie on your back
- Bend knees up, keeping them wide apart around the abdomen
- Hold for 20 seconds Relax and repeat several times
With hands on knees, pull knees as close to your chest as possible
Strengthens buttock muscles
- Lie on back with knees bent
- Keeping your back straight, lift hips so that you form a straight line from knees to chest; do not arch your back
- Slowly return to the starting position
- Relax and repeat several times