Ultrasound Services in Fort Collins & Loveland, CO
Obstetrical and Gynecological
The Women’s Clinic of Northern Colorado offers a variety of services to patients. We employ a staff of highly trained Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographers with a combined experience of more than 100 years.
- Confirmation of gestational age due to unsure dates or size discrepancies
- First Trimester Screening, Nuchal Translucency and free Beta HCG/PAPP-A drawn in house
- 20 week anatomical assessment survey
- Aneuploidy screening
- Biophysical profiles
- Umbilical cord Doppler studies
- Position confirmation
- Cervical length evaluation
- Evaluation of multiple gestations
- Maternal Fetal Medicine referrals
- Evaluation of endometrial thickness
- Evaluation for Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
- Uterine anomalies diagnosed with 3D technology
- Evaluation for Uterine Fibroids
- Ovarian Cysts, Adnexal masses
- Sonohysterograms
We value your referrals and respect your relationship with your patients. We will send you a report within 24 hours of service and answer any questions you may have about your patients’ ultrasound.