Breastfeeding Virtual Class
Our virtual classes are live online versions of our most popular classes and utilize the Zoom meeting platform. Registration is open in May and classes meet on Tuesdays at 6pm – 8pm. The virtual Breastfeeding Class is on the third Tuesday of the month. All classes are taught by our certified instructors. To see full schedule please expand the calendar on Tuesdays.
This class will help you prepare for successful breastfeeding. Topics will include the physiology of breastfeeding, establishing a good milk supply and effective latch-on technique, selecting pumps, and integrating breastfeeding into your busy life. This class is already part of the curriculum (and cost) for the 4 and 6-week and B4 childbirth preparation classes. If you are registered for a Fast Track or HypnoBabies class, this breastfeeding class is not included in the curriculum and cost. We encourage all Women’s Clinic OB patients to take advantage of our breastfeeding education opportunities. Partners are encouraged to attend along with moms-to-be and cost is per couple. Please call 970-493-7442 ext 3951 with any questions.